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You cannot build a destiny but you can change it

You cannot build a destiny but you can change it

Be Successful, happy and confident

By Sami Bsoul


 Captain Nathan Algren was captured by the Samurai leader Katsumoto, who wanted to study his enemy and understand him better. Katsumoto, who spoke English very well, developed a close friendship with Algren.

The Last Samurai was the first intelligent action film I watched, and it captured my attention with the Samurai's ability to apply their accumulated knowledge sensibly and prudently.

Prompted by wisdom, Katsumoto asked Nathan Algren, "Do you believe a man can change his destiny?" Algren, who had experienced humankind's existence without any illusions, provided an enlightening response with one sentence, "I think a man does what he can until his destiny is revealed."

This simple answer was capable of summarizing the ultimate goals, aims, and existence of all human beings on Earth.We work hard to achieve something meaningful in life, and often we question whether everything that happens around us is managed by some higher power. To a great extent, we are uncertain whether our personal experiences are

regulated by a spiritual entity that has predetermined everything.

We often doubt our abilities and wonder if we can do anything intentionally to change our circumstances. Most people are unhappy to wake up in the morning to go to work, and they are generally unmoved by their daily preoccupations.

Many people feel that something is missing from their lives, but they cannot identify what it is. These individuals are often left in the dark, fearful and without further help. At times, people put forth great effort, but find that things don't work out as planned. They may feel that a greater power is in control and that their efforts are being ignored.

This can lead to questions about whether there is a force that guides their destiny, or if everything is simply a matter of coincidence? Answering these questions requires some introspection.

If we disconnect ourselves from the distractions around us, we can achieve a harmony of opinion.

Everything that happens, whether intentional or by chance, requires power. Even the smallest change or natural event needs power to occur, whether or not it is intentional or caused by something else.

Therefore, it makes logical sense that everything happening to us personally also requires some kind of power. If we look closely at the details around us, we can see that everything is designed and follows a plan. Even chaotic and unexpected actions have their own underlying structure. By examining things more closely, we can come to a deeper understanding of the world and its workings.

For those who believe, this is seen as evidence of a creator, as each plan testifies to the planner. Some people simply feel this truth in their hearts and don't require further proof. When faced with doubts, believers turn to their religion for answers.

Similarly, there are those who seek to understand the world through learning and inquiry, seeking verifiable facts to support their beliefs.

Both approaches have value and can lead to a greater understanding of ourselves and the world around us. With everything considered, believers and non-believers share a common struggle in seeking meaning in entities solely in the form of concrete material substances.

Focusing solely on tangible and physical matters, and ignoring intellectual, psychological, and spiritual well-being can lead both types of people to doubtful speculation. However, both types of people agree that if something is made, caused, and created, it is not necessary to see the creator immediately after its creation to be confident about its origin.

For example, when we see a car with a label, we believe it was created by a specific factory without needing to visit the factory to verify its creation. There are countless situations, actions, artifacts, entities, and persistent illogical feelings of desire or aversion that our thoughts are unable to grasp or comprehend the divine essence of.

Building a destiny is not possible, but changing it is within our control. If we are only able to perceive material things, it becomes difficult to make the necessary changes to our destiny. Every person has a unique purpose, and we all strive to achieve our goals in our own way.

While some may need guidance, others have a clear vision of what brings them joy and abundance. However, there are times when people feel helpless and out of control, even when they want to take action towards their goals. It is important to recognize when our efforts are being diverted and make adjustments accordingly.

By shifting our mindset and focusing on the possibilities, we can take control of our destiny and shape our lives according to our true purpose.

Unfortunately, the reality is that many people are deceptively trapped because they suffer from a lack of purpose, a goal that can accurately determine their behavior and actions, and a direction that is free of mist and haze to enable them to control their destiny.

When you draw from the negative inner voice that constrains your mind, miracles will come to your mind, just as they come to others.

All your precious things are in your mind. It is your immaterial part that will give concrete form to an abstract concept, responding favourably to any inclinations your mind wants.

There is one thing that is not widely conducted in public, it is not openly made known, and it is not communicated covertly that makes some people great as they are; it is the ability of these people to transmit thoughts and feelings of their subconscious to make their minds free from any restraint.

You will change your destiny when you are able to do the same as they do. The ultimate method for solving all problems is held sacred and located in the bounds of your inner voice. Whatever it is you want to do, say it to yourself. Your mind, subconscious, and body will respond.

By setting goals and developing a clear sense of purpose, individuals can gain control over their destiny and avoid the trap of feeling lost or without direction.

With a positive mindset and a belief in one's own abilities, it is possible to tap into the power of the subconscious mind and unlock the potential for success and personal growth.

Similar to how you train your body for an event or competition, developing your inner voice is the key to achieving skilled behaviour and a healthy mind.

Your subconscious is your loyal servant, completely under your control. By learning how to influence it, you can use it to your advantage.

Everything you know or perceive is an interpretation of the things happening in your life.

Every situation, whether good or bad, has a cause that led to its occurrence.

The main things you think about are the guiding principles that determine the direction of your life. Your overall condition is a reflection of the central meaning behind everything.

Anything you focus your mind on provides the generative force behind the things that happen to you.

All of your experiences are only a surface-level representation of the underlying events occurring behind the scenes.

All your beliefs and judgments have an impact on your life.

Your imagination and visualization can manifest into reality.

The facts that surround you are valid and have a purpose. Therefore, it is essential to communicate your desires and goals to your subconscious mind through active inner voice talk. Treat your inner voice with respect, trust, and affection. Let it support and guide you in whatever you want to achieve.

To make things happen intentionally, you need to use your inner voice to quantify or prioritize your desires.

Don't just wish for something to happen; instead, take action and transmit your intentions through your inner voice.

Your inner voice is your best ally and will hear your instructions. Just like a pilot or captain of a ship, you need to give clear and concise orders to your subconscious mind to navigate your life in the direction you desire.

Trust that your subconscious mind will guide you to the appropriate course of action to achieve your goals.

You may not have control over your destiny, but you have the power to shape it. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, but it is up to you to take charge of your own path. You may have faced setbacks or challenges that seem insurmountable, but remember that you have the ability to adapt and change your course. Your past does not dictate your future. By taking action and making intentional choices, you can create a new destiny for yourself.

Don't be afraid to dream big and take risks.

Embrace the journey and trust that with determination and perseverance, you can achieve your goals and shape your own destiny.


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